Monday, March 28, 2016

Disconnecting for a week

gone-fishingMy to-do list is weighing upon me. I am taking the week off to attack it. Taxes! Water in the basement! Dentists and vets. Cleaning the office. Finishing a big project. Doing paperwork. Sending Mom the package I owe her. Cleaning out the piles in my mudroom that need to go to Goodwill. Then, amidst renewed calm, creating a more organized to-do list heading forward. So borrrrrrring, but I will be so happpppy when I get in *control* again.  Note: All Comments going into moderation, where they will sit all week in wait ’til we return Monday, April 4, so’s I can truly disconnect from the matrix.

The post Disconnecting for a week appeared first on Retro Renovation.

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