Friday, May 6, 2016

907 free downloadable WPA posters from 1936 – 1943

wpa-postersReader Onawa read our story on the free downloadable NASA Jet Propulsion Lab posters and commented with this great tip: ‘The Library of Congress has a ton of WPA posters available for free download — if you’re willing to slog through their website. I found one I had been coveting and had it printed through a local photo lab once I resized it, and it looks great.” Well guess what? I found the magic link to avoid slogging, and here you go: Access to the complete library of 907 Works Progress Administration (WPA) posters produced from 1936 to 1943. Hours of free fun even just to look at!


Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WPA Poster Collection, LC-USZC4-5064

Note, here are the Rights & Restrictions, and the way I read them, these are free to print; but read ’em yourself to make sure you agree.

About the collection:

The Work Projects Administration (WPA) Poster Collection consists of 907 posters produced from 1936 to 1943 by various branches of the WPA. Of the 2,000 WPA posters known to exist, the Library of Congress’s collection of more than 900 is the largest. The posters were designed to publicize exhibits, community activities, theatrical productions, and health and educational programs in seventeen states and the District of Columbia, with the strongest representation from California, Illinois, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The results of one of the first U.S. Government programs to support the arts, the posters were added to the Library’s holdings in the 1940s.


Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WPA Poster Collection, LC-USZC2-909

This background on the collection is interesting to read, too!

Thanks, Onawa, for this great tip!

Link love:

The post 907 free downloadable WPA posters from 1936 – 1943 appeared first on Retro Renovation.

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