Wednesday, March 15, 2017

15 midcentury modern and retro style bathroom vanities — built new — great ideas!

mid-century-vanity-plansDoes your midcentury bathroom need a new vanity — but one that looks like it’s always been there? Christine’s all-new “1962” bathroom got me to thinking about all the bathroom vanity designs that readers have created and installed over the years, so I gathered a variety in one place. Above: Kate makes a design design.

mid-century-vanity-retroAbove: Kate built her vanity herself. Her design mimics what was already there, but she put it on feet for a little more pizzazz. Her doors and drawers are what’s called “full overlay” — they cover the box entirely. 

Above Christine’s new vanity has a toe kick — but she’s faked the legs to be a little bit more showy.

vintage pink bathroom afterAbove: Jim also did his own design and construction. His doors and drawers are “3/4” overlay. Note also the sink vent — nice touch.

vintage-black-and-white-tile-bathroom-Above: Dawn’s new bathroom vanity is a close copy of the one it replaced, only not falling apart any more! Her sink vent is metal. You can find these on ebay right now. Perhaps new, too. 

mint green bathroomAbove: Rebecca also went with white. Her doors are full overlay. 

Vintage pink bathroomDo you have the space for more countertop? Think beyond the vanity — that’s what Nanette and Jim did.

retro pink bathroomAbove: Chris went with full overlay doors on a box on legs, and his countertop is made from Wilsonart “Betty” laminate. A bathroom vanity design likely does not get any easier than this!

Above: Barry used Wilsonart’s “Betty” to skin his full overlay doors and drawers. Yes, they did laminate vanities like this back in the day.

Above: Ben Sander designed this “statement” bathroom for a New York City client. The vanity is a covered in a glossy laminate.

Above: Kathy and Ralph also went for a 1970s-style laminate vanity.

Above: Lynne and Bob matched the wood for the bathroom vanity to the paneling in other parts of the house. 

vintage aqua bathroomAbove: Donna and Steve had the doors angled. We’ve seen this design historically. Nice!

Above: Mike and Lindsey angled the drawers and hung their vanity on the wall, sans legs. A very effective design, I’d think, for cozying right up the vanity. 

Heywood Wakefield style custom vanityAbove: JoAnn and Mark made their double-sink vanity look like the Heywood-Wakefield furniture they collect.

black-and-coral-modern-vintage-bathAnd in JoAnn and Mark’s other bathroom: A deco-style vanity in a striking black and coral color combination. 

Yowza, both of these bathroom vanities took incredible craftsmanship!

See all of our stories about bathroom sink and vanity ideas in our Bathroom Help/Sinks & Vanities subcategory.

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