Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Will an oriental rug work in my tropical Mahalo Lounge?

What do you think?: Will an oriental-design rug work in my tropical-theme Mahalo Lounge?

I have thought for quite a while that I would use an oriental rug in the lounge:

  • I love oriental rugs — and they look fantastic in midcentury homes. They are timeless — they have been be around forever…
  • I think that when chosen correctly, they (1) blend, (2) accentuate, and (3) make a statement all their own — all at the same time…
  • And I love mashing things up. And, the more pattern the better. But it’s gotta work; I know it when I see it.

I found this rug at my favorite used furniture store. The colors were right — the slightly muddy coral field! — and so was the price. The back is flaking (I’m reading online that that’s old latex delaminating and can be repaired), so it’s not perfect. But I was itching to get something on the floor, so I took a chance and carted it home.

I waaaaaant it to be right, but I’m not sure. I think it’s going to fight the upholstery of the sectional.

Like I said: I love mashing things up, and I love lots of pattern. But: I am not a professional interior designer who has done scores of rooms. I still need to experiment… to take risks — and ack! spend money… to see if what’s in my head will really translate into a room. This one: I am not sure. What do you think? 

The post Will an oriental rug work in my tropical Mahalo Lounge? appeared first on Retro Renovation.

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