Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Drainboard kitchen sinks in stainless steel — three designs from an all-new source

Drainboard kitchen sinks: Oh, how we love them in our vintage and retro-design kitchens! Those drainboards are so darn functional — and this style of sink, in either stainless steel or porcelain enamel on cast iron, is period-correct for midcentury kitchens and even earlier. Doing product research last week, I stumbled onto a new source for three stainless steel drainboard sinks in three sizes and designs: Ready To Re. These sinks can pop right onto a laminate countertop, online ordering looks easy peasy, and the prices seem reasonable to me.

I spoke yesterday with Ready To Re owner Nick Williams. Based in Crowley, Louisiana, he said he started his business 10 years ago, beginning with refinishing vintage porcelain on enamel cast iron sinks on site in customer kitchens. The enterprise grew from there… to picking up salvage sinks and refinishing and reselling them… then to seeing demand outstrip supply, hence, the move to create his own products.

Ready To Re designs the sinks, inspired by vintage designs, and has them manufactured overseas. (I asked directly, and Nick confirmed that he could not find U.S. companies willing to take on this work.) 

The company has the three stainless steel sink designs — a 60″ double drainboard… a 47.5″ double drainboard… and a 45.75″ single drainboard curvy model. Prices range from $409 to $449, a flat-rate shipping cost is additional.

I asked Nick about the steel used to make the sinks. I am not an expert on this topic, but the info for those who are: Steel is 304 stainless steel; the stamping starts at 21 gauge, but the finished gauge may vary depending on how the steel stretches as it is stamped. 

Ready To Re also manufactures its own four designs of porcelain enamel on cast iron sinks — all with a very prewar (not post-World-War-II) design look. I’ll do a separate story on those.

Where to buy Ready to Re stainless steel drainboard kitchen sinks:

  • Online at ReadyToRe.com
  • Online at Amazon (affiliate link)
  • And: See all my research on Farmhouse Drainboard Kitchen Sinks here — a super-popular page!

Disclosure: At the end of our phone conversation, Ready to Re asked me about advertising on the blog. I sent them my ad kit, and we’re scheduled to talk, and that said: I want to make it clear there is no quid pro quo — no pay-to-play — in my blogtopia! Read how I make dough re mi here

The post Drainboard kitchen sinks in stainless steel — three designs from an all-new source appeared first on Retro Renovation.

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