Thursday, September 7, 2017

Ah, serenity: 1940s vintage bathroom wallpapers new to Hannah’s Treasures

The 1940s and 1950s vintage bathroom wallpapers at Hannah’s Treasure are just gorgeous. Many of them are … so glamorous… so Nick and Nora, I need a bubble bath with champagne NOW. Above: I don’t think we get to see a gray-plum colorway very often on wallpaper. I might have to hoard some this one [13 double rolls available as I write this story] for a future, as-yet-undermined project.

Above: The same pattern as my gray/plum fave, but in a peachy pink and coral. If only I had a dozen bathrooms to decorate! 15 double rolls currently in stock.

Above: So serene. Good for a pink or green or pink-and-green bathroom. 9 double rolls in stock currently.


Above: Same pattern, sunnier colorway. 9 double rolls in stock.

Above: All these wallpapers must have come from the same book, the same designer… they have the same light touch. 2 double rolls in stock.

Above: Nice to see some different flowers. 10 double rolls in stock.

Above: These shiny papers were early papers, I tend to think. Quite striking, to be sure! 3 double rolls currently in stock.

Above: A look that I don’t write about enough — a very soft pastel, whisper Heywood-Wakefield kind of look. I could get into it! 17 double rolls of this beauty in stock currently.

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