Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Battery operated twinkle lights for my vintage Christmas ornament wreath — twinkle on!

On my Second Day of Kitschmas: I put battery-operated twinkle lights on my vintage ornament wreath. Late to this particular modern-day party, I did not know know you could get battery-powered lights like this until I saw a friend use them to decorate at a charity event we were both a part of. So when I went to Target to hoard some of those little pink deer a few weeks ago, I bought me some of these lights to add to the shiny & brite twinkle twinkle of my foyer, which is where I keep the wreath hung, year-round.

Above: The lights I bought at Target.

I velcro’d the battery pack to the bracing on the back of the wreath. This is the one-is-silver and the other-gold wreath I made for myself last year that oopsy crashed to the ground. I not only lost ornaments, but also the styrofoam wreath itself broke — hence my bracing, which ended up being great for the stickum velcro.

Above: The little ceramic pink deer that were all the vintage rage at Target this year. I got me a herd. What can I say. I have a problem. But you already know that. 

Okay, so I know that this is sort of a lame blog post, but it does get something off my list — and maybe gives you a simple idea how to add just a wee bit more twinkle to your holiday decor this year!

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