Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Lynn’s pink poodle bathroom — including genius use of wallpaper fragments

Lynn wanted a midcentury home, but her destiny was a new build. She still wanted a Mamie pink bathroom — so she made one of her own from scratch — with sassy pink poodles as her muse. And: I think her design idea for making use of precious wallpaper fragments is genius!

Lynn writes:

Hi Pam,

I would love to let you show my bathroom. I have been following you for 5 or 6 years. And you inspired me to midcenturyize our new-build home. I got so much help from your blog; I don’t think I could have done it without you!

I wanted a mid century home but we ended up buying a new build that looks like a turn of the century Florida home. I did not want to give up my mid century furniture so we decided it could be an old home in the 60’s that would have been updated over time.

I used your website to find tile, cabinet hardware, lighting, pink toilet and sink, and so many 0ther things. I spent months online looking for sources and ordering things. As a result, I have my pink poodle half bath and a blue Big Chill kitchen. Some rooms are a work in progress. Next I need to get rid of much of the off white paint and add more mid century color.

I forgot about the wall paper panels. I found the vintage poodle paper but there was not enough to do anything with 10-ft. high ceilings, so I put it in panels on each wall. 

Thank you for your interest in my pink bathroom. It is a very happy room!

Thank you, Lynn! This makes me so very happy!

How to get the look: 

The post Lynn’s pink poodle bathroom — including genius use of wallpaper fragments appeared first on Retro Renovation.

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