Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Inside the 1947 Florida State Fair — new kitchen appliances for everyone!

kelvinator vintage stoveIt’s 1947 and time to redeem the war bonds for — kitchen appliances of course! Lots of big makers — Kelvinator, Westinghouse, Philco, Roper, Magic Chef — were on hand to show their products and compete for families’ stockpile savings. Above: Will it be a new Kelvinator range? Photo0: (State Archives of Florida)

philco kitchen appliances 1947Manufacturers whose products used natural gas industry were pitted against those who used electric. Philco was pushing electric. (State Archives of Florida)

Westinghouse was electric, too. (State Archives of Florida)

gas stoves 1947The gas appliance industry had a booth for all their players. (State Archives of Florida)

vintage speed queen washers and manglesThere were Speed Queen washers and mangles (ironers) too. Still quite old-fashioned looking… When did the more modern, automatic clothes washer come into being? (State Archives of Florida)

There were phonographs too. I see these at almost all the estate sales I go to. No one buys them. (State Archives of Florida)

Fitted kitchens for the masses: Launched for real right about this time. The war was over. Housing production was beginning to ramp up. Folks were getting “modern” homes. That’s only… 7o years… of modern kitchens, modern homes in the U.S.

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